Winterizing Tips to Save You Time and Money

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Our homes always need a bit of extra protection and thought before the cold winter months take hold. Have you made plans for the things that you need to do in your own home before it gets too cold this winter?

If you are planning to take any trips or be away from your home for a few days, it is even more important to be sure that you are taking those extra precautions to save yourself a lot of heartache in the event that something happens in your home.

First, make sure that you have closed the vents under your house. That is always a great thing to do to make sure that you are keeping things warmer in the winter. Of course, make sure to open them up again when the warmer months start to approach.

A lot of people are under the impression that they should turn their thermostat way down when they leave. However, turning it too low can actually be detrimental to your tile, grout and drywall. Instead, try to keep it around the 55 degree level to make sure those things stay safe.

Another thing you should do each winter is have your furnace serviced. Nothing is worse than getting into the cold winter months only to learn that your furnace is not working properly.

If you are planning to leave your home, even for just a few days, you need to shut off the water to the home. It is very easy to do using the main shutoff valve. Freezing pipes while you are gone out of town can mean big problems and expenses when you return.

Finally, make sure to shovel your deck. We saw so many more deck repairs needed this year because people did not shovel their decks last year. It gets very cold and icy, especially on higher decks, so make sure to do this or hire someone to do it for you. If you need a referral, we know lots of people who do this kind of work.

Have a great winter, and please call on us if you have any real estate related question!