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5 Tips to Prepare Your Home For a Top Dollar Sale
Now is a great time to sell your home in Ohio. The spring and summer weather has heated up the market significantly, and if you're considering selling then it would be wise to listen to my advice. My goal is to get you ready to sell for top dollar.
- Declutter: Make sure your counters are clean and clear of appliances. Remove any extra furniture or tables, chairs, etc. You don't want your buyers to be distracted by an untidy home when they come and view your property. This can also help make your rooms look larger and more open and inviting.
- Touch Up Paint & Clean Carpets: These two minor repairs can really improve the look of your home. Buyers love to see these things, and it instantly adds extra value to your property.
- Stage the House: This is one of the best tips that we have for our sellers. It really improves the overall look of your home and buyers usually feel much more comfortable in a home that has been staged properly by a professional. We have a professional stager that can assist you if you are interested in professionally staging your property.
- Check Maintenance Issues: Have a technician come and check your furnace and your air conditioner. Have your roof looked at and make sure that your septic system has been cleaned out. You could also consider having a pre-home inspection where an inspector will go through your property and tell you about any issues a buyer would bring up during a showing.
- Curb Appeal: People often forget that what draws buyers to their home is the exterior. It is very important to have a nice, green yard and fresh mulch. Plant flowers and also do a little spring clean up. Make sure everything looks fresh and crisp because the outside of your home is what draws buyers inside.